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Getting started

To complete this workshop, you should have installed locally:

  • JDK 8

  • GIT

  • Docker 17-CE

  • Linux environment recommended

    • Using Docker for Windows and Docker for Mac should work as well, but I might struggle in helping with problems on these systems ;)

Generals experience in using the following technologies is expected. You can tag along if you don’t know all the details, but some topics might get too complex if you are missing the basics.

  • Groovy

  • Grails

  • Gradle

  • Spock

  • Docker

Also, although not mandatory, it’s highly recommended to use IntelliJ IDEA, arguably the best IDE for Groovy and Grails development. You can just use the Community Edition if you want to.

Grails Quickstart

The easiest way to install Grails (and many other JVM tools) is to use SDKMAN

curl -s "" | bash

Restart your terminal and install Grails:

sdk install grails

Check that everything works by typing grails -version

| Grails Version: 3.2.9
| Groovy Version: 2.4.10
| JVM Version: 1.8.0_131

Let’s start by creating a new and empty Grails application:

grails create-app testcontainers-workshop
cd testcontainers-workshop

You can import the generated project into Intellij using File → New → Project from existing sources…​ and select the build.gradle file inside the directory.

You can also head over to Grails Application Forge and download a ready to use Grails project and use the Gradle-Wrapper and circumvent install Gradle altogether.

TestContainers Quickstart

TestContainers is a Java 8 library that supports JUnit tests, providing lightweight, throwaway instances of common databases, Selenium web browsers, or anything else that can run in a Docker container.

There also exists a special TestContainers-Spock-Extension which we’ll use in this workshop.

Since the most recent snapshot versions are available at, you can include the dependency in your build.gradle file like this:

repositories {
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    testCompile 'com.github.testcontainers:testcontainers-spock:87299c10e8'

@Testcontainers class-annotation

Specifying the @Testcontainers annotation will instruct Spock to start and stop all TestContainers accordingly. This annotation can be mixed with Spock’s @Shared annotation to indicate, that containers shouldn’t be restarted between tests.

class DatabaseTest extends Specification {

    PostgreSQLContainer postgreSQLContainer = new PostgreSQLContainer()

    def "database is accessible"() {

        given: "a jdbc connection"
        HikariConfig hikariConfig = new HikariConfig()
        HikariDataSource ds = new HikariDataSource(hikariConfig)

        when: "querying the database"
        Statement statement = ds.getConnection().createStatement()
        statement.execute("SELECT 1")
        ResultSet resultSet = statement.getResultSet()

        then: "result is returned"
        int resultSetInt = resultSet.getInt(1)
        resultSetInt == 1

Integration testing using a real database

A classic use case for integration testing is the persistence layer. Grails default approach uses an embedded H2 in-memory database and runs each test inside its own database transaction, which is rolled back after each test method. This might work for a lot use case, but sometimes it’s beneficial to use a real database for the integration tests, which will provide you with the extra level of confidence regarding vendor specific SQL features or more complex queries.

TestContainers provides out of the box support for the following databases:

  • MySQL

  • PostgreSQL

  • Oracle XE

  • Virtuoso

We’ll use PostgreSQL in the following example, so we need to include an additional dependency in our build.gradle file:

testCompile group: 'org.testcontainers', name: 'postgresql', version: '1.2.1'

TestContainers JDBC-URL

As long as you have TestContainers and the appropriate JDBC driver on your classpath, you can simply modify regular JDBC connection URLs to get a fresh containerized instance of the database each time your application starts up (meaning on initialization of the JDBC connection pool).

Attention when using Spring-Boot (or Grails for that matter). In this case you have to specify the following JDBC driver:


which would translate to something like this for Grails:

  dbCreate: create
  url: jdbc:tc:postgresql://hostname/databasename
  driverClassName: org.testcontainers.jdbc.ContainerDatabaseDriver





Configure SUT at runtime using System Properties

We want our tests to be as portable as possible and so one shouldn’t make assumptions regarding the environment they are running in (like i.e. free ports). Luckily TestContainers will already do all the heavy lifting for you and start the database on a free port (by leveraging the underlying container technology). By using methods like postgreSQLContainer.getJdbcUrl() it’s possible to get the concrete values a runtime.

One way to override the Grails configuration values is to use JVM system properties:

System.setProperty("dataSource.url", postgreSQLContainer.jdbcUrl)
System.setProperty("dataSource.username", postgreSQLContainer.username)
System.setProperty("dataSource.password", postgreSQLContainer.password)
System.setProperty("dataSource.driverClassName", "org.postgresql.Driver")

It might also be a sensible thing to cleanup afterwards, so we don’t pollute our JVM environment:


We also need to refresh the ApplicationContext, so @DirtiesContext comes in handy:

@DirtiesContext(classMode = DirtiesContext.ClassMode.AFTER_CLASS)
class BookSpec extends Specification {

Could you inject these configuration values in a way that’s more idiomatic to Grails? Spring-Boot allows the usage of ApplicationContextInitializer, but I wasn’t able to get this working in conjunction with Grails' @Integration AST transformation. I’d be happy to receive suggestions from the Grails gurus ;)


Create a simple domain class

grails> create-domain-class Book

and a corresponding integration test

grails> create-integration-test BookInt

Now write a simple integration test (using the @Testcontainers annotation and the System properties based configuration) which will verify, that persisting a Book works. At which point in the test lifecycle would you set the configuration values? Also ensure that you aren’t using Grails' default H2 database in your integration test ;)

As a bonus exercise, try to write the same test using the specialized TestContainers JDBC-URL.

You might need additional runtime dependencies! You’ll also notice scary error messages in red when the database container is starting. These do occur because TestContainers will try to connect to the starting database using the PostgreSQL JDBC driver in order to determine if the database is ready to interact with. These error logs will not appear anymore in the next TestContainers release.

Also think about flushing the Hibernate Session when writing the test.

Interact with an external HTTP-Server

Now we want to think about testing the integration with a real external application. This could be anything which we’d be able to run inside a container, but in order to keep things simple, we have a very basic example: Downloading a file from an HTTP-Server.

Let’s start with a Grails service class skeleton, which looks like this:

class HttpDownloaderService {

    String serverIp

    String serverPort

    String downloadFile(String path) {

Generic Container

For this integration test we want to use an Apache webserver. Fortunately there is a ready to use Docker image: httpd:alpine

TestContainers provides a generic API for Docker images called GenericContainer. We also need to tell TestContainers which port we want the container to expose and as before, TestContainers will find use a free port on our host system and setup up the appropriate mapping.

We might also want to have some specific files on the server we can use for our tests and TestContainers will allow us to mount files on the classpath into the container:

GenericContainer httpContainer = new GenericContainer("httpd:alpine")
            .withClasspathResourceMapping("foo.txt", "/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/foo.txt", BindMode.READ_ONLY)

The GenericContainer interface also provides the methods to retrieve the actual container ip and port at runtime:



Write an integration test as well as the corresponding production code to make the test green. You might want to use the wonderful new HttpBuilder-NG for the implementation code:

compile 'io.github.http-builder-ng:http-builder-ng-core:0.16.1'

Like before, think about how to actually inject the configuration properties into your Grails application context.

Functional testing using Geb and Selenium

I’ve prepared an example, we might want to look into:

git clone
