class PigeonAnimator[source]

PigeonAnimator(skeleton, figsize=(10, 6), xlim=(-500, 1000), ylim=(-500, 1000))

Animates a pigeon skeleton using matplotlib

class PigeonAnimatorFactory[source]


You can animate a set of frames using the PigeonAnimator. For this, you construct the animator by providing a list of tuple representing the skeleton.

imp = DLCImporter()
df = imp.import_hdf('example_data/coordinates.h5')
p_anim = PigeonAnimator([('body', 'head'), ('head', 'left_neck'), ('head', 'right_neck')])
p_anim.visualize(df, 0, 60)

There are also different pre-configured animators at your disposal.

PigeonAnimatorFactory.DEFAULT.visualize(df, 0, 60)